Nanosecond high-voltage PFN generator
300kV, 3kA, 250ns, repetition rate up to 10 Hz
Address: Liddow's Physics Complex, room 386This pulsed power generator is using in experiments with various types of plasma cathodes ( ferro-electric plasma sources, carbon and velvet cathodes, multi-capillary cathodes, metal-ceramic cathodes, etc.) for generation of relativistic high-current electron beams in different type of diodes with and without magnetic insulation. Continue Reading Nanosecond high-voltage PFN generator

Sub-microsecond pulsed power generator 500 kV, 25 kA, 500 ns is using for research of cathode and anode plasma dynamics and plasma influence on the efficiency of the microwave generation in relativistic S-band magnetron and double gap vircator. Continue Reading Sub-microsecond pulsed power generator

All Solid State Linear Induction Accelerator
500kV, 5kA, 150ns
Address: Canada's Bldg., room Plasma LabIt is using for research of cathode and anode plasma dynamics and plasma influence on the efficiency of the microwave generation in relativistic S-band magnetron and double gap vircator Continue Reading All Solid State Linear Induction Accelerator

Sub-microsecond timescale pulsed current generator
100kV, 850kA, 350ns
Address: Canada's Bldg.,, room Plasma LabThese pulsed current generator is used for research of properties of non-ideal plasma during underwater electrical wire explosions and for generation of strong shock waves and extreme state of water produced by underwater electrical cylindrical wire array explosion Continue Reading Sub-microsecond timescale pulsed current generator

Microsecond timescale pulsed current generator
30kV, 350kA, 1µs
Address: Liddow's Physics Complex, room 385Obtained experimental data regarding plasma parameters are compared with the results of MHD simulations coupled with EOS. Pressure up to 5 Mbar was obtained in the water in the vicinity of the implosion axis. Continue Reading Microsecond timescale pulsed current generator

Nanosecond timescale coaxial water forming line generator
140kV, 80kA, 60ns
Address: Liddow's Physics Complex, room 385This pulsed current generatori is used for research of properties of non-ideal plasma during underwater electrical wire explosions and for generation of strong shock waves and extreme state of water produced by underwater electrical cylindrical wire array explosion Continue Reading Nanosecond timescale coaxial water forming line generator

Oscilloscope TDS694C
Oscilloscope Tektronics TDS694C 4-Channels; 2Ghz; 10Gs/sec; S/N B011829; Lable 270000029738; GPIB; RS232; VGA; Centronics. Continue Reading Oscilloscope TDS694C