Meytal Siman Tov
Ph.D X-Ray Specialist
email: eytalsh2@gmail.comAddress: Sheeba Medical Center, room
Website: sheba.co.il

Dr. David Yanuka
Laser safety oficer
email: yanuka@technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8295010
Website: safety.net.technion.ac.il
Ph.D. student between 2015 – 2018
Student award for best oral presentation in the 17th Israeli conference on plasma science and applications (IPSTA), 2015.
The winner of the Arthur H Guenther Student Award PPC International Conference 2017 Continue Reading Dr. David Yanuka

Yang Cao
Ph.D. Research Scientist Postdoctoral fellow
email: yangcao@campus.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-829-2043
Address: Lidow's Physics Complex, room 203
Ph.D. student between 2019 – 2022 Awards Laureate of
Best Student Paper Awards, 2019 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference (2019)
Best Student Paper Awards, 47th International Conference on Plasma Science(2020)
Excellence Scholarship Faculty Funding of Technion(2020)
IEEE Arthur H. Guenther Pulsed Power Student Award(2021) Continue Reading Yang Cao

Denis Zolotukhin
Ph.D. Candidate Guest Student
email: ZolotukhinDenis@gmail.comPhone: +972-4-8292607
Address: Lidow's Physics Complex, room 382
Website: http://www.tusur.ru/

Alexander Rososhek
Postdoctoral fellow Cornell Laboratory of Plasma Studies
Website: www.lps.cornell.eduPh.D. student between 2018 - 2021 Awards Laureate of
Best Student Paper Award, 2019 IEEE Pulsed Power and Plasma Science Conference.
Igor Alexeff Award for Outstanding Student in Plasma Science Conference 2020
Continue Reading Alexander Rososhek

Daniel Shaffer PhD 2016
email: daniel.shefer@gmail.comAddress: MATAM Industrial Area Haifa, room
Website: https://il.linkedin.com/in/daniel-shafer-42530437

Oleg Antonov PhD 2016
Researcher Scientist PPPP Lab
email: antonov@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-4-8292607
Address: Physics Technion, room 382
Received his MSc degree at 2012 in the PPPP laboratory. Research of resistivity of water at extreme conditions. Continue Reading Oleg Antonov PhD 2016

Leonid Beilin
Lead System Physicist Molecular Dynamics (Israel) LTD
email: leonidbeilin@gmail.comAddress: 22 Bareket St. Industrial park, Caesarea, 3088900 Israel, room
Website: http://www.molecular-d.com/
Ph.D. student between 2010 – 2014
First Student prize in the student presentation competition of the 16th Israel Conference on Plasma Science and Applications 2014 . Continue Reading Leonid Beilin

Jorge Palacio-Mizrahi PhD 2014
Postdoctoral fellow
email: palacio.jorge@mail.huji.ac.ilPhone: +972-2-6585707
Address: Racah Institute of Physics-The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, room Levin 14
Website: www.phys.huji.ac.il/contacts/palacio_jorge

Tal Queller
Postdoctoral Fellow
email: tal.queller@weizmann.ac.ilPhone: +972-8-9342677
Address: K.B. Weissman Institute of Physical Sciences, room 143
Website: plasma-gate.weizmann.ac.il/people/queller-tal/
Ph.D. student between 2010-2014
First Student prize of the student presentation competition of the 13th Israel Conference on Plasma Science and Applications 2011.
Student’s travel grant to present an invited oral presentation at the 19th IEEE Pulsed Power Conference (PPC) and the 40th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science (ICOPS), San Francisco, 2013.
NPSS graduate scholarship award 2014 Continue Reading Tal Queller

Vladislav Vekselman
Associate Research Physicist Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory
email: vekselman@pppl.govPhone: +1-609-243-3904
Address: Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), room
Website: nano.pppl.gov/People/vladislav-vekselman.html
Ph. D. student between (2008 – 2012)
Outstanding Student Paper Prize at the 37th IEEE International Conference on Plasma Science, Norfolk, Virginia, USA June 20-24, 2010 Continue Reading Vladislav Vekselman

Shurik Yatom
Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Minnesota
email: kakainstein@gmail.comWebsite: linkedin.com/in/shurik-yatom-301b8049
Ph.D. student between 2008 - 2014
Chosen among 100 outstanding Ph.D. students from the Pacific region, to participate in the 3-rd Hope meeting: Physics, with Noble Laureates in Tokyo, Japan. March 2011
Chosen among 500 outstanding Ph.D. students worldwide, to participate in 62-rd Lindau meeting: Physics, with Noble Laureates in Lindau, Germany. July 2012.
Laureate of awards
IEEE Arthur H. Guenther Pulsed Power student award 2012
Jacobs Excellence Fellowship 2011-2012
2013 Israel Physical Society Prize for the graduate students in Experimental Physics
2014 Outstanding Student Paper Award. ICOPS/Beams
NPSS Paul Phelps Continuing Education Grant of 2014
Igor Alexeff Outstanding Student Award of the Plasma Science and Application Committee (PSAC) of the IEEE 2014 Continue Reading Shurik Yatom

Dmitry Levko PostDoc 2012
University of Texas at Austin, Austin
email: dima.levko@gmail.comWebsite: https://sites.google.com/site/dmitrylevko/
Post Doc Technion - Israel Institute of Technology October 2010 – September 2012 Continue Reading Dmitry Levko PostDoc 2012

Daniel Sheftman
Tri Alpha Energy, Ca USA
email: dsheftman@trialphaenergy.comWebsite: linkedin.com/in/dsheftman
Ph.D student between 2008-2012
Irwin and Joan Jacobs fellowship 2010:
Continue Reading Daniel Sheftman

Alexander Fedotov Gefen
Physicist HP Indigo division
Website: linkedin.com/in/alexander-fedotov-gefen-b7aa2629Ph.D. student between 2007 – 2011
Daniel Fund scholarship for Ph.D. students 2009.
Irwin and Joan Jacobs Fund scholarship for Ph.D. students Technion 2010.
First Student prize for best presentation in the 12th Israeli Conference on Plasma Science and Applications 2010. Continue Reading Alexander Fedotov Gefen

Dekel Veksler MSc 2008
PhD Candidate RBNI Technion
email: Dekel@tx.technion.ac.ilPhone: +972-54-2687139
Website: http://rbni.technion.ac.il/node/376

Alon Grinenko
Postdoctoral Research Fellow University of Warwick, UK
Website: warwick.ac.uk/fac/sci/physics/research/cfsa/people/pastmembers/grinenko/Ph. D, the student between 2003 – 2006
Laureate of prizes :
Applied Materials excellent student prize 2005.
Israeli Plasma Physics Society excellent student prize 2006.
Continue Reading Alon Grinenko

Maxim Kozlov PostDoc 2013
Senior Research Scientist Nazarbayev University
email: maksimkozlov54@yandex.ruWebsite: https://www.linkedin.com/in/maximkozlov/

Alexander Krokhmal PhD 2005
Senior CT Physici at Bruker Semi X-ray

Ph.D. student between 2001 – 2004
Laureate of awards
Sylvia and David Fine Scholarship for outstanding students 2002.
Technion team award for the development of technologies for defense against terror 2003. Continue Reading Konstantin Chirko

Alex Dunaevsky PhD 2001
Senior Technology Manager Tri Alpha Energy, Ca USA
Website: www.trialphaenergy.com
Irad Leizer M.Sc 2006
EL-OP Israel

Raanan Gad M.Sc 2006
Rafael Israel

Hila Sagi M.Sc. 2005
Rafael, Israel

Or Peleg M.Sc 2004
PhD student Technion
Address: Solid State Institute, room Linear and Nonlinear Optics in Complex Structures 2010 Continue Reading Or Peleg M.Sc 2004

Li Ankun
Ph.D. student, exchange student program from China Changsha National University of Defense Technology
email: lak18684772354@outlook.comPhone: 04-829-2043; +972 058-5685205
Address: Lidow's Physics Complex, room 316
Object and research direction:
To undertake postgraduate research, with possible research topics including electron emission mechanism in a cold
the cathode, physics of plasma, plasma diagnostics, pulsed power and its diagnostic technology, intense charged particle
beam, microwave electronics, and related technology research and development. Continue Reading Li Ankun